
The footer is a block of text module that appears at the bottom of each story you create.

Fabl Footers

The footer is a global module that belongs to the account theme settings. Once set, the footer will be applied to all the stories created under the same account.

Whether you want to display your contact information, social media links, a site map, Fabl’s footer options will satisfy all your functionality and design needs.

1. Standard Fabl Footer

Fabl’s default footer comes with social media sharing buttons and neutral background fit for any story.

Example of Fabl’s standard header below:

2. Got any special requests or require a custom footer?

When you onboard with Fabl, you will be able to state any other design or functionality preferences. See how you can onboard with Fabl and set up your account.
All Fabl accounts and themes come equipped with the standard Fabl footer as default.

Below are some footer examples used across different Fabl accounts:

Standard footer with logo and custom social media icons:

Standard footer with custom social media icons:

Standard footer with custom navigation between different stories in the same account:

Custom footer with custom design and custom social media icons:

Custom footer with custom design and custom social media icons: